Vision Statement

Our vision is to foster a safe, inclusive blended learning environment where all students are empowered to become critical thinkers who read, write, listen and speak in order to take action in their community and ultimately be prepared as future leaders in a globally competitive world.

Mission Statement

Through performance and standard-driven curriculum in Science, Technology, Engineering/ELA, Art and Math, P.S./I.S. 178 will provide a culturally responsive community, dedicated to achieving high standards of academic excellence.


  • INTEGRITY: Recognizing right from wrong and practicing ethical behavior
  • APPRECIATION: Recognizition of the good qualities of someone or something
  • MINDFULNESS: The state of being conscious and aware of something
  • GRIT: Persevering in the face of challenge
  • RESILIENCE: The ability to recover quickly from difficult, tough experiences
  • EMPATHY: Learning to see the world through other's perspectives
  • AMBITION: A strong desire to do or achieve something that requires hard work and determination
  • TEAMWORK: Being a dedicated, reliable, and contributing member to your small group or team
  • NEATNESS: The quality or condition of being orderly and clean
  • EMBRACING DIVERSITY: Recognizing and appreciating human differences
  • SELF-CONTROL: Cultivating the abilities to focus and delay self-gratification
  • SUCCESS: Accomplishing one's goals